Acrylic, aluminum repoussé and collected objects on shaped cardboard H. 13 1/8 in, W. 9 1/4 in, D. 3 ½ in 2016
Enamel, aluminum and brass repoussé, collected objects 19 inches diameter 2016
Birds of Paradise (2016)
15 shaped cardboard boxes painted with acrylic and decorated with aluminum repoussé and various collected objects; 1 sunburst centerpiece, composed of brass and aluminum repoussé and various collected objects; (wall decoration of leaves: acrylic paint)
exhibited at Magnan Metz Gallery, NYC
from June 9 to 18, 2016 as part of the show "Gathering"; first installed as a set in studio 219-B,
Finley Hall, Montclair State University, NJ
"While the desire for a significant other can be apparent in figurative works, I took on the challenge of making this theme manifest without relying on depictions of the human body. This set of works is my most colorful yet, formally and metaphorically. Playful English terms work with various collected objects in evoking images of a variety of men. This ensemble started as my version of home retablos, though empty, to imply that the significant other is yet to come. In the production process, a lot of layering happened. A pivotal moment was when the open doors suggested outstretched wings. Thus, the flashy colors of male birds became the basis for the boxes’ hues."
– from the monograph Beyond Eye Candy